VM Centre For Traditional Arts


The VM Centre for Traditional Arts (VMCTA), based in Karachi, draws inspiration from Pakistan’s artistic traditions and cultural heritage with an aim to help revive essential artistic skills and techniques, and to revitalize the relevance of traditional arts in contemporary Pakistan.

Established thanks to a proud partnership with The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts (in London), VMCTA will ensure our traditional arts will flourish and be practised by our future generations.


The courses at VMCTA are taught by experts in traditional Islamic geometry, ceramics, textiles, woodworking, painting and manuscript illumination. Students will learn how to use, and master traditional materials. Methods and courses will be structured to suit all levels of skill and experience.

Initially, courses in Karachi are being taught by visiting tutors from The Prince’s Foundation School. However, a local team of Pakistani tutors is also be being prepared so they can teach the courses in due course. Longer term, the Centre will offer year-long training for people wishing to develop their skills to higher level.